Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I'm back, again. I actually haven't been doing a lot of dog stuff. I haven't been able to go and volunteer because the lady has been to busy. I was swamped with goat stuff, birthing, registrations, show entries, etc. But now I think I can come back and talk to ya'll about what I'm doing.

The Puppy Play Group has started. We have about 12 dogs. Ranging from Golden Retrievers to Labrador Retrievers to Australian Shepherds to Jack Russell Terriers. We accept any breed of dog as long as they are well behaved. We are currently working on Flyball, and it is going awesome. The people are willing to listen and do anything to let their dogs have fun. We are actually going to watch a tournament in September.

As far as Rascal's training, well, I don't think He'll ever compete in Obedience, but I do want to do him in Rally, so I think we'll be working on his Rally, and Flyball. I'm also looking at getting into SAR training. Wish me luck. I've got to go. Remember, I'm back to stay.

1 comment:

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Welcome back, love your blog!

Allison & Rudy